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ICS 13.220.10;75.180.01

Srpen 1998

Zařízení pro zkapalněný zemní plyn -
Zkoušení koncentrátů pěnidel určených
pro výrobu střední a těžké pěny a zkoušení
hasicích prášků pro hašení požárů

EN 12 065

38 6623




Installations and equipment for liquefied natural gas - Testing of foam concentrates designed for generation of medium and high expansion foam and of extinguishing powders used on liquefied natural gas fires

Installations et équipements relatifs au gaz naturel liquéfié - Essais d´émulseurs destinés á la production de mousse haut et moyen foisonnement et de poudres extinctrices utilisés sur feux de gaz naturel liquéfié

Anlagen und Ausrüstung für Flüssigerdgas - Eignungsprüfung von Schaummitteln für das Aufschäumen von Mittelschaum und Hochschaum sowie Löschpulvern zur Bekämpfung von Flüssigerdgasbränden (LNG-Bränden)


Tato norma přejímá anglickou verzi evropské normy EN 12065:1997. Evropská norma EN 12065:1997 má status české technické normy.


This standard implements the English version of the European Standard EN 12065:1997. The European Standard EN 12065:1997 has the status of a Czech Standard.


© Český normalizační institut, 1998

Podle zákona č. 22/1997 Sb. smějí být české technické normy rozmnožovány a rozšiřovány jen se souhlasem Českého normalizačního institutu.


Strana 2

Národní předmluva


Citované normy

EN 615 zavedena v ČSN EN 615 Požární ochrana - Hasiva - Technické podmínky pro prášky (kromě prášků pro třídu požáru D) (38 9030)

EN 1160 zavedena v ČSN EN 1160 Zařízení a příslušnství pro zkapalněný zemní plyn - Všeobecná charakteristika zkapalněného zemního plynu (38 6610)

prEN 1568-1 dosud nezavedena

prEN 1568-2 dosud nezavedena

prEN 1866 dosud nezavedena


Vypracování normy

Zpracovatel: GAS s.r.o., Praha, IČO 61506192, Miroslav Havel

Technická normalizační komise: TNK 55 Plynová zařízení

Pracovník Českého normalizačního institutu: Josef Toman

Strana 3


EN 12065


September 1997



ICS 13.220.10;75.180.01


Descriptors: gas installation, liquefied natural gas, fire, fire protection, extinguishing agents, foam extinguishers, dry powder extinguishers, operating requirements, tests, test equipment, effectiveness, accountancy, acceptability


English version


Installations and equipment for liquefied natural gas - Testing of foam concentrates designed for generation of medium and high expansion foam and of extinguishing powders used on liquefied natural gas fires


Installations et équipements relatifs au gaz naturel liquéfié - Essais d'émulseurs destinés à la production de mousse haut et moyen foisonnement et de poudres extinctrices utilisés sur feux de gaz naturel liquéfié


Anlagen und Ausrüstung für Flüssigerdgas - Eignungsprüfung von Schaummitteln für das Aufschäumen von Mittelschaum und Hochschaum sowie Löschpulvern zur Bekämpfung von Flüssigerdgasbränden (LNG-Bränden)


This European Standard was approved by CEN on 22 September 1997.


CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.







Central Secretariat: rue de Strassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels


Ó 1997 CEN  All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved   Ref. No. EN 12065:1997 E

            worldwide for CEN national Members.

Strana 4



Foreword 3


1 Scope 4


2 Normative references 4


3 Definitions 4


4 Description of equipment required for the foam concentrate tests 5

4.1 Components of the foam production unit 5

4.2 Special equipment required to determine the foam expansion ratio 6

4.3 Special equipment required to determine the efficiency of the foam in LNG fires 6

4.4 Other equipment required for the foam concentrate tests 7


5 Foam concentrate tests 7

5.1 Measurement of foam expansion ratio 7

5.2 Evalution of the efficiency of the foam on LNG fires 8


6 The foam concentrate test report 10


7 Evaluation of the efficiency of an extinguishing powder on a free LNG fire 11


8 Description of the equipment required to test the compatibility between foam and extinguishing powder 11

8.1 Components of the foam production unit 11

8.2 Equipment required for the application of extinguishing powder 12

8.3 Special equipment required for the test 12

8.4 Other equipment required for the test 12


9 The test for compatibility between foam and extinguishing powder 12

9.1 General requirements for performing the test 12

9.2 Test procedure 13

9.3 Criterion of acceptance of extinguishing powder 13


10 The test report for the efficency of the extinguishing powder on an LNG fire 13

10.1 Test report 13

10.2 Extinction test on a free fire 13

10.3 Test for compatibility between foam and extinguishing powder 14


Annex A (informative) General recommendations on the design of the foam generating equipment required for testing 16

Annex B (informative) Measuring equipment used to quantify foam production 21

Annex C (normative) Measuring equipment used to determine fire conditions 24

Annex D (normative) Method of calculating the parameters used to determine the efficiency of the foam concentrate 26

Annex E (normative) Special test rig required to test the compatibility between foam and extinguishing powder 30

Strana 5



This European Standard has been prepared by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 282 „Installation and equipment for LNG" the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR.

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by March 1998, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by March 1998.

According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

Strana 6

1 Scope


This European Standard specifies the tests to be carried out in order to assess the suitability of foam concentrates used to produce medium expansion foam (made from foam concentrates conforming to prEN 1568-1) or high expansion foam (made from foam concentrates conforming to prEN 1568-2) and fire extinguishing powder conforming to EN 615 when used alone or in combination on liquefied natural gas (LNG) fires.

This standard does not specify the general requirements for foam concentrates given in prEN 1568-1 and prEN 1568-2 or fire extinguishing powder given in EN 615.

This standard does not apply to foam concentrates used to produce low expansion foam (made from foam concentrates conforming to prEN 1568-3) which are not used on LNG installations.


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